090926 - "Fight Gone ... Good!"

Today is the day for the FGB IV fundraiser. I really wanted to participate in this affiliate wide fundraiser espescially with the chairity, Prostate Cancer Canada, being so close to my heart. Unfortunately, with everything going on right now I was unable to get things together to run the event. So in honour of everyone in the CrossFit Affiliates across Canada hammering away at Fight Gone Bad and the thousands of men out there battling prostate cancer I am breaking with tradition and listing the WOD we're doing today in the gym on the page today. Keep on fighting and never ever quit. I love you dad.

"Fight Gone .... Good"
With a continuously running clock perform as many reps as possible in 1 minute of each exercise. On the call of switch move quickly to the next station. 1 minute rest between rounds. Score 1 point for every rep completed.

Wall Ball (20)
Sumo Deadlift High Pull (75)
Box Jump
Push Press (75)
Row (we'll sub burpees as we don't have rowing machines)

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