091005 - Nasty Granelcin

*Some more amazing gymnastics core strength exercises

I've noticed on CrossFit Santa Cruz Central's Blog that they are fond of posting workouts where they smash together a couple of "the girls" and come up with one crazy frankenstein style workout so I thought I'd give a try!

WOD - Nasty Granelcin

50 Squats

7 Muscle-ups

10 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)

15 Clean and Jerks (95/65)

21 Thrusters (95/65)

15 Pull-ups

21 KB Swings (55/35)

12 Pull-ups

5 rounds of Cindy

*remember the sub for muscle-ups are 3 to one of pull-ups and dips (ie. 21 pull-ups and 21 dips instead of the 7 muscle-ups)

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