Wall Ball (20/16)
Hang Power Snatch (75/45)
Front Squat (75/45)

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*Natalie Woolfolk, an Olympic level weightlifter, training at Mike's Gym proving a few things.
1. You don't need a huge gym loaded with fancy equipment to be successful even at an Olympic level (Mike's Gym is in a two door garage at Mike Burgener's house). The only thing you really need to be successful is some truly knowledgeable guidance and true passion and a great group of people to surround yourself with.
2. Lifting heavy weights as a woman won't make you big! How many times do I have to say this? Look at Natalie she is a lean, mean fighting machine! She has a beautiful figure and she is throwing around some really big weight! SO ladies out there lift hard and heavy and if anyone tells you you're going to get big or bulky lifting heavy weights then it is a good indicator that they know exactly nothing about weight training!