111115 - "Gilbert"

Sgt. Janick Gilbert was a Search and Rescue Tech that was trained at CFB Comox. He recently passed away on an arctic rescue mission in the process of rescuing 2 fishermen from an Arctic ice drift. He and his team were successful in rescuing the two fishermen. He was highly respected by his graduating class and a valued member of our SAR Tech community. This is a dedication workout to Sgt. Gilbert's memory. He will be missed by family, friends, coworkers and those whose lives were greatly impacted by him. Thank you Sgt. Gilbert. "That others may live."

3 Rounds of:
8 Clean and Jerks (155/115)
11 Chest to Bar Pull-ups
10 KB Swings (70/55)
27 Box Jumps (24"/20")

A very big thank you goes out to Heather Bailey of CrossFit Nanaimo and Brandon Schetterer of CFB Comox for creating this workout in Sgt. Gilbert's memory.